Fall Detoxification Cleanse and Immune Fortification ProgramLetting go into personal renewal...
Join me for a deeply nourishing detox cleanse and immune fortification class in San Francisco for 3 Thursday nights; 10/29, 11/5, and 11/12 from 5-7 pm. If you are not local to the SF Bay area, and would like to participate, I will also be conducting a webinar version of the class on Monday evenings, 10/26, 11/2, and 11/9 from 6:30-7:30 pm that you can join in on. In this program, you will learn about cleansing and nourishing food, as well as learning to incorporate rituals for deep self-care and emotional/spiritual renewal in the company of a community of like-minded folks. This is such a deeply healing and restorative thing to do for yourself! Additional private sessions with me will be available at a discount to cleanse participants. Please contact me for the flier with details and pricing if you would like to join us! Participating in this Cleanse is for you if you would like to:
Free Intuitive Readings and Healings in Golden Gate ParkEvery ???day from ?-? (TBD) I will be offering free intuitive readings, healings, and messages from Spirit in the AIDS memorial grove friendship circle in Golden Gate park.
Do you have questions regarding your health, relationships, life direction, or loved ones who've passed on? Or something you'd like to receive healing around? If so, then this is a lovely way to come connect and get the help you need in a safe and cost-free space. I'll be there every other week, unless there is particularly yucky weather that day or I am out of town (In which case, I will send out an email to my newsletter subscribers and post it here on the website). I hope to see you there <3 |
Meditation in Motion: Contemplative Dance Practice ClassCome join me at Spark Arts in the Castro every Thursday from 10:30-noon to experience a beautiful synthesis of guided sitting meditation and improvisational dance. This class is an exploration of movement and stillness – dance combined with meditative practice. Instead of working hard to learn and impose someone else's choreography onto your body (which can be fun too, don't get me wrong!), we learn to go inward and slow down enough to discover what movements spontaneously and authentically arise out of a sense of of pure "kinesthetic delight". Great for beginners and experienced dancers/meditators alike, you'll gain a deeper sense of personal expression and harmony through the experience of letting yourself honor and follow your inner impulses to move, make noise, be still, breathe - just be - in a safe and supportive container. I would so love to see you there!
Benefits of practicing Meditation-in-Motion include:
Please sign up ahead of time here: http://sparkarts.com/product/meditativemovement/ |